Mental Health Law

Mental Health Lawyers

A delicate balancing act must be maintained between patient autonomy and the protection of vulnerable persons in the field of mental health law. On the one hand, it seeks to protect people from themselves when they lack the capacity to make certain decisions, such as whether or not to get medical treatment or enter a psychiatric facility.

Doubtful that you need to consult a mental health lawyer. If you want to further your knowledge, you can enroll in one of our online classes.

In Your Position, What Can A Mental Health Lawyers Do For You?

When a family member suffers from a mental disorder, they are frequently involved with the medical system. Getting help for mental health issues is more difficult than it needs to be.

Family members often need to advocate for their loved ones’ care and treatment inside Ontario’s healthcare system. When you don’t know the law, when there’s a power imbalance, or when your life is in crisis, it’s hard to feel empowered. We can help with that.
We aid families in having their loved ones admitted to mental health facilities for evaluation and possible treatment. When hospitals try to release a family member even though it would be dangerous for them to do so, we assist the family in fighting back. We aid families in participating in Consent and Capacity Board proceedings and having their voices heard. When a family member is “formed,” we explain what it means to them. We educate families on their rights and options so they can enter family meetings with psychiatrists with greater confidence and agency.